Photography 101

June 08, 2017  •  Leave a Comment


Definition of photography (According to

  1. :  the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (such as film or an optical sensor).


Scientific isn't it?  To me taking pictures is so much more.  It is a way to capture memories - raise the importance of an occasion - hold on to the feelings that you have on that particular day, so some day, down the road you can revisit that time, that place and that feeling as vividly as possible.  The unbelievable heart swell when you first see your new born child, or the pride that shines so brightly the day of that child's graduation. 


Photography is magic.


My journey in photography started many years ago.  An elective in high school.  We learned to roll our own film (yes, I am old) in a pitch black room and after shooting, bathe blank pieces of magical photo paper in the stinky chemicals and wait....and see if the images you captured were good enough to fill the order of our art teacher.  FOCUS?  Depth of field?  Capture subject matter?  Oh the stress - the magnificent waiting.  The triumphs and the deafening disappointments.  

I still have some of those photo assignments.  Folded in paper, little time capsules of a world ahead of us.  Photos of friends so dear who I have lost touch with, but the sight of them, captured in that moment brings back all the fun wonderful memories of our high school years.  In one picture I am wearing an outfit my sister let me borrow and wear to school.  Skirt, sweater and boots...damn I looked so super cute.  I see that picture and it reminds me of how much I wanted to be her - or a little less creepy - be just like her.  I still do in many ways...all these years later.

Pictures are a journey you have taken and you can take over and over...I hope you will provide me the honor of booking your passage on a magnificent trip through time and life.



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